


来源:未知 时间:2018-08-15 18:34 阅读次数:


  In order to further standardize the management of environmental protection acceptance for completion of construction projects and guide local environmental protection departments to do relevant work, according to the environmental impact characteristics of different industries, our ministry has organized and formulated the main points of on-site inspection and review of environmental protection acceptance for completion of construction projects in 9 industries such as hydropower, which are now issued to you, please follow。 
Check the consistency of project development task, location, content, scale, layout form, development mode, dam structure, characteristic water level and storage capacity with EIA documents and approvals。 
The restoration of ground vegetation disturbed by construction, the transplanting of rare, endangered and endemic plants and ancient trees involved in construction。 
Construction and operation of concrete mixing wastewater, sand and gravel processing system wastewater, oily wastewater, domestic sewage and other treatment facilities。
The implementation of protection measures against noise and ambient air and blasting vibration proposed for sensitive points in the environment。 
库底清理涉及的污染企业搬迁、危险废物处置等落实情况。The construction of temporary drainage facilities for initial water storage, permanent drainage facilities for ecological flow and automatic measurement, automatic transmission and storage systems for ecological flow。涉及到低温水的水库,应关注分层取水设施的建设情况。Where groundwater is involved, attention should be paid to the impact on groundwater level, quality and quantity and the implementation of protective measures taken。涉及到气体过饱和影响的水库,应关注减缓气体过饱和影响的措施落实情况。蓄水过程、水库调度运行方式对下游敏感保护目标用水的保障情况。 
The construction, management and operation of fish breeding and releasing stations, the construction of fish passing facilities, and the implementation of protection measures such as habitat and artificial fish nests。 
Implementation of protection and management measures such as migration routes or artificial alternative habitats for rare, endangered and protected land animals。珍稀、濒危和特有植物、古大树的防护、移栽情况。 
The operation of ecological discharge permanent drainage measures and automatic measurement, automatic transmission and storage system of ecological discharge。分层取水措施及生活污水处理措施等其他措施运行情况。业主营地生活污水处理设施建设及运行情况。 
The effect of breeding and releasing in fish breeding and releasing stations, the research progress of medium and long term breeding and releasing fish, the implementation of aquatic protection measures such as the effect of fish passing facilities, habitat, artificial fish nests and so on。 
工程施工和移民安置中的取土弃渣、设施建设扰动地表植被的恢复情况。The effect of the implementation of protection and management measures such as the migration passage or the establishment of artificial alternative habitat for rare and endangered land animals and land animals with conservation value。Implementation of measures on protection, transplanting, introduction, breeding and cultivation of rare, endangered and endemic plants and ancient trees, preservation of seed banks, construction of rare botanical gardens and their management。 
Environmental risk prevention facilities, environmental emergency equipment, materials allocation, emergency plans for environmental emergencies preparation, filing and exercise。
Check the scale of the actual construction of the project, the scope of the well (mine) field, washing and processing, the development of the well (mine) field, the mining coal seam, the mining method, the mining mode, the division of the mining area, the mining continuation plan and the selection of various sites,The consistency of the main technical indicators, the number of major projects, environmental protection objectives, etc. with the EIA documents and approvals。 
The mining industry pays attention to the establishment and implementation of the surface rock displacement observation system, the vegetation restoration situation such as gangue dump, the ecological restoration plan and the fund reservation plan of the subsidence area, and the restoration situation that has been taken if there is initial subsidence。The implementation of measures such as prohibited mining areas, restricted mining areas, and protection of coal pillars involves the implementation of protective measures for ground infrastructure such as sensitive villages, reservoirs, rivers, highways, transmission lines, and communication facilities, as well as environmental relocation and resettlement。
The open-pit mine pays attention to the implementation of the measures of "mining while recovering", the ecological restoration plan and the ecological restoration situation in stages such as inside and outside, waste dump and excavation site, separate topsoil storage and ecological restoration measures, environmental protection relocation and resettlement。 
矿井水(或疏干水、矿坑涌水)、生活污水处理设施运行及排放情况,The implementation of coal slime water recycling facilities generated by coal preparation plants, the identification and protection of water diversion structures, the implementation of water-conserving coal mining measures (stratified mining, height limit mining, filling mining, etc.), the formulation and implementation of groundwater tracking monitoring plans, and the comprehensive utilization of various types of polluted (waste) water。涉及重要地下水敏感点(如水源保护区、湿地、重点泉域等)的保护措施落实情况。涉及周边居民用水水源的影响情况,采取的饮用水或灌溉水的补偿设施建设情况。需进行防渗的排矸场淋溶液防渗措施的落实情况。 
Engineering protection facilities and dust prevention facilities of gangue yard, dust prevention facilities such as wind and dust suppression net of open-air coal storage yard, prevention and control measures of unorganized discharge of industrial sites, closed storage measures of raw coal and product coal, utilization and disposal of high concentration gas。If the transport in the industrial site is transported by the closed trestle, attention should be paid to the dust removal facilities at the transfer point, and if the transport outside the industrial site is loaded by train or transported by car, attention should be paid to the implementation of dust suppression measures。选矿破碎、筛分等环节除尘措施,锅炉脱硫除尘设备。高瓦斯矿井关注矿井抽排瓦斯气综合利用设施。 
Treatment of solid wastes such as gangue in mine excavation, washing gangue, coal slime, boiler ash, domestic waste, sludge in mine water treatment station, sludge in domestic sewage treatment station, stripping from open pit, and measures to prevent spontaneous combustion of coal gangue。固体废物综合利用情况。 
Environmental risk prevention facilities, environmental emergency equipment, materials allocation, emergency plans for environmental emergencies preparation, filing and exercise。 
(1) Verify the construction nature, construction content, construction scale (oil/gas) and construction location of the pipeline project。 
The inspection focus of pipeline ancillary facilities includes pipeline stations, valve rooms, valve Wells, empties, oil and gas storage and transportation facilities, hydraulic protection facilities, monitoring facilities, special pipeline crossing facilities (culverts, tunnels, etc.), anti-corrosion facilities, as well as construction roads and other ancillary works。 
(三)管道敷设及穿越建设方案。The laying methods and crossing plans for environmentally sensitive areas (points) such as large and medium-sized rivers (reservoirs), nature reserves, scenic spots, water source reserves, and cultural relics protection sites will be examined。 
1.施工扰动。Check the width of the construction belt, tunnel, directional drilling and other through the construction site, as well as other temporary area control measures, check the site, slag dump, valve room and other permanent land acquisition conditions。 
2.生态恢复。Verify the implementation of pipeline laying construction methods, soil protection measures and ecological protection requirements;Land leveling and vegetation restoration after construction。 
3.特殊环境敏感区的生态保护与补偿。Implementation of ecological protection, restoration and compensation measures in nature reserves, water source reserves, scenic spots and other special environmentally sensitive areas involved along the pipeline。 
The disposal of solid wastes such as tunnel waste, directional drilling waste, pipeline laying waste and domestic waste during the construction period。清管废渣、清罐废渣等固体废物的储存、处置情况。 
Check the control measures of waste gas pollution sources such as heating furnaces and their discharge;Check the implementation of the control measures for unorganized emission sources such as oil and gas storage and transportation facilities, and the monitoring of the concentration of unorganized emission monitoring such as non-methane total hydrocarbons in the field。加压泵、输油泵等场站工艺设备的降噪措施落实情况,场界噪声排放情况。 
检查管道及管道附属设施环境风险防范措施落实情况。It mainly focuses on the crossing plan of environmentally sensitive areas such as important rivers, as well as the implementation of measures such as pipeline anti-corrosion, cut-off valve chamber, automatic control system, pipeline material, and accident pool。 
检查环境风险应急管理措施落实情况。Mainly focus on the establishment of emergency maintenance institutions, emergency materials (equipment) equipment, environmental emergency plan preparation, record, drill, linkage and so on。 
Check whether environmental risk accidents have occurred during construction and operation, verify the types of accidents, the scope and degree of impact of accidents, emergency measures and effects, etc。
Check the consistency of the actual construction of the line type, project line location, main technical indicators, the number of major projects, environmental protection objectives, etc., with the EIA documents and approvals。 
It mainly focuses on the plant protection measures of roadbed slope and cutting protection, and the greening measures and effects taken on both sides of the line, inside and around the station yard。取(弃)土场、制梁场、施工营地等临时占地的生态恢复措施落实情况。Verify the relative positions, crossing methods and implementation of ecological and environmental protection measures of the project routes and sensitive targets such as nature reserves, scenic spots, key protected wild animals and plants and their habitats, wildlife passageways, and basic farmland。核查项目环评文件及批复文件提出的生态监测、监控要求落实情况。 
Distribution of sensitive points of sound environment on both sides of railway center line, timing of construction of sensitive points and implementation of functional zone standards of sound environment。施工期高噪声设备隔声、减振等降噪措施的落实情况。The implementation of demolition, relocation and function replacement measures at sensitive points along the acoustic environment;The implementation of acoustic barrier measures, focusing on the type of acoustic barrier, installation location, length and height;Installation and implementation of sound insulation Windows at sensitive points in sound environment。 
The implementation of vibration prevention and removal, relocation and functional replacement measures along the line;The implementation of vibration reduction measures such as integral ballast, floating plate ballast, seamless long rail and elastic fasteners。(四)水环境 
车站、机务段等污水处理设施建设、运行和排放情况。Where drinking water source protection areas are involved, emphasis shall be placed on verifying the project and its relative location, mode of crossing, project protection and water environment protection measures。隧道穿越水文地质复杂的地区,关注地下水环境保护措施的落实情况。 
Check whether the way of watching TV in representative residential areas along the line and the affected situation will be affected by the train operation。车站锅炉设置和废气处理设施建设和运行情况。 
Environmental risk prevention facilities, environmental emergency equipment, materials allocation, emergency plans for environmental emergencies preparation, filing and exercise。Check the implementation of the environmental impact assessment documents and the risk prevention measures proposed in the approval requirements across water sources and sensitive water bodies。 
Check the consistency of project construction nature, content, line location, main technical indicators, control points with EIA documents and approvals。Focus on the environmentally sensitive targets around the newly added service facilities and the construction of supporting pollution prevention facilities;The change in the relative position of the project to the sensitive target due to line position adjustment。 
Implementation of ecological restoration measures for temporary sites such as construction camps, station yards, construction walkways, soil and slag disposal sites, and permanent sites such as interchange, slope, bridge, service areas, toll stations, and management offices。Verify the relative positions, crossing methods and implementation of ecological and environmental protection measures of the project routes and sensitive targets such as nature reserves, scenic spots, key protected wild animals and plants and their habitats, wildlife passageways, and basic farmland。 
Distribution of sensitive points in the acoustic environment on both sides of the highway center line, time sequence of construction of sensitive points, implementation of functional zone standards in the acoustic environment。施工期高噪声设备隔声、减振等降噪措施的落实情况。The implementation of demolition, relocation and function replacement measures at sensitive points along the acoustic environment;The implementation of acoustic barrier measures, focusing on the type of acoustic barrier, installation location, length and height;Installation and implementation of sound insulation Windows at sensitive points in sound environment。 
服务设施污水处理设施建设、运行和排放情况。Where drinking water source protection areas are involved, emphasis shall be placed on verifying the project and its construction sequence, relative location, crossing mode, project protection and water environment protection measures。 
Environmental risk prevention facilities, environmental emergency equipment, materials allocation, emergency plans for environmental emergencies preparation, filing and exercise。Involving drinking water source protection areas, surface water I, II sensitive water bodies, nature reserves, scenic spots and other special sensitive targets, focus on verifying the implementation of environmental risk prevention facilities and measures such as collision guardrail, bridge deck runoff collection system and emergency materials reserve。Involving the adjustment (including new) of drinking water source protection areas, check the improvement or addition of the corresponding environmental risk prevention facilities and measures。
Check the consistency of port nature, number of berths, berth class, annual handling capacity, type of cargo transported (especially chemical and dangerous goods), storage mode and area of storage yard, number and capacity of storage tanks, general layout and environmental protection objectives with EIA documents and approvals。 
Check the port construction time, construction method, ecological impact, changes and impacts of environmentally sensitive targets, treatment methods such as dredging and backfilling, ecological compensation measures, ecological restoration measures and effects。(2) Water environment verification of sewage collection methods, sewage treatment capacity, treatment standards and the effectiveness of water reuse;The processing capacity of the supporting public facilities;The standardized construction of sewage outlet。 
Verify the construction of dust and waste gas treatment facilities and their treatment effects, environmentally sensitive targets, the extent to which port boundaries are affected, atmospheric environmental quality standards, and environmental functional areas。(四)声环境 
Check the noise sources such as port operation machinery and transport vehicles, the scope of noise impact, the implementation of noise reduction measures, and the compliance of port boundaries and acoustic environment sensitive targets。 
Verify the main sources and production volume of solid waste (domestic waste, production waste, hazardous waste), whether the collection, storage, transportation and disposal meet the management requirements, and the comprehensive utilization capacity。固体废物委托处理的,核查被委托方的资质和委托合同的有效性。Focus on checking the disposal method of hazardous waste, the receiving disposal agreement, the effective qualification of the receiving disposal unit, and the receiving disposal transfer order。 
核查环境风险防范、应急设施配备情况。Oil containment boom and other oil spill emergency equipment and equipment meet the requirements of oil spill prevention emergency provisions;Measures to prevent oil spills and other accidents in the platform loading and unloading area of the petrochemical terminal, the capacity and setting of the accident pool in the terminal tank area;Capacity and setting of emergency pool in dangerous goods container yard。
Verify the development and filing of emergency plans for environmental risk accidents, the emergency linkage with superior departments and other local competent departments, the emergency handling procedures for environmental risk accidents, and the linkage of emergency plans。
核查工程建设性质、地点、内容、规模、总平面布置与环评文件及批复的一致性。石油炼制工程重点关注常减压蒸馏、催化裂化、延迟焦化、催化重整等装置。乙烯工程重点关注乙烯裂解、环氧乙烷/乙二醇、丙烯腈等装置。Public and auxiliary projects focus on storage and transportation projects, acid water vapor extraction and sulfur recovery equipment, sewage treatment plants, alkali slag treatment facilities, hazardous waste disposal facilities, etc。 
Construction and operation of flue gas treatment facilities for catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming, delayed coking, sulfur recovery, sewage treatment plant containment measures, odor treatment facilities, oil and gas recovery facilities, ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol and other equipment exhaust treatment facilities and VOCs unorganized emission treatment measures。查看废气在线监测数据,核查投运以来废气治理设施运行情况。 
The setting of sewage diversion, sewage diversion and rain-sewage diversion systems for oily sewage, salt-bearing wastewater and initial rainwater;Construction and operation of alkali slag, cyanide-containing wastewater treatment, sewage treatment and reuse facilities。查看废水在线监测数据,核查投运以来废水处理设施运行情况。 
"Three mud", waste catalyst and other hazardous waste temporary storage sites, hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities (such as incineration facilities, landfills, etc.), solid waste generation, storage, disposal/utilization ledger, hazardous waste transfer joint order system implementation, entrusted to the disposal of hazardous waste business units related qualifications。 
Verify the implementation of anti-seepage measures in pollution prevention areas, groundwater monitoring (control) Wells and groundwater monitoring programs according to engineering design, supervision and environmental supervision documents。 
Environmental risk monitoring and warning system and flare system for toxic and harmful gases such as acid water vapor extraction unit, sulfur recovery unit, aromatic combined unit, alkylation unit, acrylonitrile unit and material tank area。 
Water environmental risk three-level prevention and control system, including installation area cofferdam, tank area fire embankment, accident emergency pool, rain and sewage interception switching device and other facilities, accident water storage, transport system setting and operation management。 
Environmental risk prevention emergency equipment and materials allocation, emergency plans for environmental emergencies preparation, exercise, record。 
Verify the consistency of the nature, location, content, scale and general layout of the project with the EIA and approval, focusing on the consistency of the main raw/auxiliary/fuel, production facility size, quantity and production process, major utility and auxiliary works, environmental protection objectives, etc., with the EIA documents and approval。 
核查主要废气治理设施落实情况,Mainly focus on sintering head flue gas dust removal, desulfurization, denitrification and dioxin removal facilities, tail dust removal facilities, pellet roasting flue gas dust removal, desulfurization facilities,Coke oven flue gas desulfurization, denitrification facilities, coal loading/pushing coke dust removal facilities, dry quenching coke dust removal ground station or coke quenching tower, coke oven gas desulfurization facilities,炼铁高炉出铁场烟气处理设施、高炉煤气净化设施,Steel furnace sealing and smelting dust removal facilities, converter gas purification facilities, converter secondary and tertiary flue gas dust removal facilities,压延加工酸(油)和碱雾捕集设施、有机溶剂废气净化设施、轧机除尘设施。 
Construction of waste gas treatment facilities such as raw material storage yard, coal yard, transfer, crushing and screening system, and implementation of unorganized waste gas emission control measures。 
(二)废水 “清污分流、雨污分流、分质处理、一水多用”落实情况,Construction and operation of phenol cyanide wastewater, sintering wet desulfurization wastewater, blast furnace gas and converter gas washing water, oil-bearing wastewater of continuous casting, acid-base wastewater of rolling steel, oil-bearing and waste emulsion wastewater, heavy metal wastewater and wastewater treatment facilities of the whole plant,查看废水在线监测数据。 
(C) solid waste sintering (pellet) desulfurization slag, blast furnace slag, steel slag and other general solid waste storage site construction, anti-seepage situation,焦油渣、酚氰废水污泥、废油等危险废物贮存场所建设、防渗情况,地下水监控井设置情况,固体废物综合利用、管理台账和危险废物转移联单制度执行情况。(四)噪声厂区高噪声源的隔声、消声、减振等降噪措施的落实情况。 
Environmental risk prevention facilities, environmental emergency equipment, materials allocation, emergency plans for environmental emergencies preparation, filing and exercise。The construction of environmental risk prevention facilities and emergency pools for coking production storage tanks, liquid ammonia storage tanks and gas tanks, and the storage of environmental emergency materials。 
Process and scale of boiler flue gas desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal facilities, view real-time and historical data of online exhaust gas monitoring equipment, manually record historical data, and verify the operation of waste gas treatment facilities since operation。Construction of waste gas treatment facilities such as coal yard, coal transport and transfer system, limestone storage, crushing, gypsum storage, ash storage, and implementation of unorganized waste gas emission control measures。 
Construction and daily operation of wastewater treatment facilities such as drainage system, desulfurization wastewater, coal-containing wastewater, industrial wastewater, oil-containing wastewater, and domestic sewage。 
Environmental risk prevention facilities, environmental emergency equipment, materials allocation, emergency plans for environmental emergencies preparation, filing and exercise。液氨罐区、油罐区的环境风险防范设施及事故应急池等建设情况。灰场灰坝的防洪泄洪等措施落实情况。